Master Class Suturing Course  

Learning how to suture correctly is the “turning point” down the road to advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. The combination of a correct stitch and knot tying enables successful complex surgery. The appropriate rules make difficult things easy. Romeo’s Gladiator Rule puts suturing in the hands of all laparoscopists.

The knowledge acquired in the past explains which knots are safe/unsafe or dangerous and how to perform safe knots.

This Course provides comprehensive knowledge on the art of laparoscopic suturing, through a combination of the art of laparoscopic suturing, mixing theory and practise. All of which is aimed at obtaining internationally recognised GESEA Certification. 

At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
  • identify safe/unsafe and dangerous knots;
  • perform bi-manual knot-tying according to Romeo’s Gladiator rule;
  • load the needle and stitching with both hands and the supra pubic route.
  • Prof. Chiara Benedetto
Project Leader
  • Prof. Armando Romeo
Scientific Director
  • Dr. Stefano Cosma

Faculty: Dr. Gabriele Lanzo, Dr. Eleonora Bianquin, Dr. Emilie Canuto, Dr. Daniel Cacozza, Dr. Annalisa Tancredi, Dr. Federica Bevilacqua, Dr. Angelo Lacalandra, Dr. Francesca Salvagno, Dr. Maurizio Giarola, Dr. Pierpaolo Lasorsa



Scientific Program - Master Class Suturing Course
